STPM Timetable 2011

STPM Time Table 2011

SPM Timetable 2011


SPM result 2010

According to some reliable sources, SPM result 2010 is going to be released at the end of February or early of March 2011. Be prepared and always alert about the news released from Ministry of Education. I shall update any news immediately regarding this. God bless!

Guide to Bank Negara Malaysia Scholarship Interview

About the Interview

Stages: 3 Main stages. 1st – Group Discussion, 2nd – Essay Writing, 3rd – The Interview Modules may vary

Stage 1: Group Discussion
Students are usually put into a group of 4 or 5.
Last year’s topic was: You are given a huge amount of budget. Please plan on how to build a Malaysian Landmark i.e. skyscrapers. Please minimize your budget. You must give your presentation on this.

Key things for this assessment:
  • Be moderate, don’t be bossy
  • Remain calm, but speak out loud and clear
  • Share your ideas during the group discussion, and don’t shut other ideas out
  • Take the chance to speak during the presentation
  • Give fresh ideas and opinions
  • Support your arguments with solid evidence (examples, ideas)

Stage 2: Essay writing
This is to test your proficiency of English and your ideas. They want to look at how you organize your thoughts.
  • Polish up on your grammar and writing skills
  • Be able to express ideas
  • Read a lot – Newspapers, books, etc.
  • If you have internet access, look for articles on economic and social issues
  • Find out about a few economic terms such as Sub Prime, Deficit, IMF, GDP

Stage 3: Personal Interview
The questions posed will be related to Bank Negara or any economic issues and/or development. Be sure that the answer you give must relate back to Bank Negara. Questions can sound like: How can your contribution to school help achieve Bank Negara’s Vision? Or; what is Bank Negara’s role in economic development?
  • It’s important to know Bank Negara very well
  • Make sure you know your chosen course very well
  • Don’t make up any points
  • Be calm and always smile
  • Organise your thoughts properly
  • What matters most is how brilliant your content is, not how long you speak

Other things that might happen
Two years ago Bank Negara did Role Playing as a part of the interview process. They will give you a situation, and you will have to act as people in charge of the situation. So be prepared! (And Make sure not to fight for the roles!)

Some tips…
  • Be outspoken, and polite
  • Don’t be bossy
  • Show your confidence and be mature
  • Be unique, different, yet relevant when giving out ideas
  • Don’t be afraid to speak and give idea

JPA Scholarship Interview Session 2010

You will be divided into groups, each group consisting of 5 people (it varies). They’ll mix it up, not everyone in the group will be taking the same course as you are.

Round 1

Self Introduction

- Name, previous school, parents’ occupation

Other questions

Why should you get the scholarship?

Talk about your achievements, your qualities – i.e. you are goal oriented, hard working. Elaborate your points and highlight your co-curricular activities

Why do you choose *programme of choice*?

Don’t answer: “because it pays high” or “because I was forced to”. Do plenty of research and know your chosen course well

Why do you choose to study abroad? Why that country?

Don’t simply say “Japan is better than Malaysia” or “They have better facilities in their Universities”. You can say this instead “Japan is very advanced in their engineering field therefore I would like to learn from them and hopefully bring back the knowledge to Malaysia”. Again, do your research! Find out about the country’s achievements in your chosen field or talk about broadening your knowledge, sharing Malaysian culture, etc.

Apakah kualiti terbaik anda?

Here's the opportunity to sell yourself! Talk about what you do best and how you do it.

Convince us why we should give you the scholarship.

Here comes the "I'm hardworking" "I want to achieve my goal" "I will do my very best to excel" "I never give up" etc etc. Don't give too many examples, and remember to elaborate on your points.

Are you willing to work in rural areas after you graduate? (especially for Medic Students)

Explain why, talk about how there are not enough help in rural areas .

What do you know about Klinik 1Malaysia?

Do some research on this. Easily found on the internet.

Scholarships are funded by the citizens of this country by paying tax. How do you think you can repay them?

Not about how you will raise money to pay them back. "How will you contribute to society?" is the real question here. Talk about how your chosen career will help better the society, and what you can do to help Malaysians.

What are your weaknesses?

Don't say "I don't have any", cause nobody's perfect! If you say "I am stubborn," as a weakness, up your market by saying, "I am stubborn, my friends and family say that I won't listen to anyone else but myself. But this just shows that I am determined, strong-willed and I will stand up for what I think is right,"

Round 2

Group Discussion

- You are given 3 minutes to discuss on the topic given by the panel

- According to those who have attended, some students are lucky enough (or not) that they didn’t have to go through the group discussion

Hot topics

  1. Global Warming on the and the effect on Nation’s Health and the Social Economics
  2. The attitude of the Younger Generation – whose fault is it?
  3. Any current medical issues - A H1N1, Dengue, Hepatitis, AIDS
  4. Malaysians do not prefer to use public transportation. What do you think about this?
  5. Patriotism among Youth
  6. Students studying abroad act as ambassadors of Malaysia. Give your opinion on this.
  7. If you study abroad, what can you do to uphold the good name of Malaysia?
  8. Mulai tahun ini, pihak kerajaan telah menurunkan had mengambil 10 subjek sahaja untuk SPM . Adakah anda setuju? Berikan pendapat anda.


  1. Arrange all your documents and certificates in order, and in a clear folder (bring your own!)
  2. Come early, mix around and be friends with other candidates – this will help you feel less nervous
  3. Dress properly, girls especially should wear ‘kasut bertutup’
  4. If asked in English, answer in English. If asked in Malay, answer in Malay
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